April and May were jam packed with new members and activities! We were happy to welcome several new members to the center in the last couple months and have spent time getting to know them. Our small tools and home improvement unit was a hit with all the members. They had the opportunity to get hands on with basic tools and learned the basis of home maintenance, including; how to change a light bulb, plunge a toilet, make a bed, and how to maintain a home smoke detector. The highlight of the unit was definitely getting to build personal pencil holders and working together to make the center a Plinko board! Finished product is coming soon. A friend of Inclusion also inspired both members and staff to appreciate our uniqueness during Autism Awareness Month. Each of us worked to find images and words that had meaning to us personally for an individual puzzle piece. Puzzle pieces are now being assembled into an infinity symbol to symbolize infinite variations and possibilities that represent inclusion and diversity.

We would like to give a special thanks to the Little Chute Piggly Wiggly’s staff and customers for being more than accommodating each week as we have worked to navigate grocery shopping semi-independently. Inclusion has utilized the bus system each Thursday over the past 9 months that has a direct line to the “Pig” as we call it. Members have worked with staff to understand the layout of the store and each has had individual goals ranging from appropriate voice level to reading and finding each item on our weekly shopping list.

Inclusion has many exciting upcoming events! Our most recent update is, we were able to get a center van. We will continue to utilize public transportation in addition to our own transportation. The van will be utilized for members' daily activities in the community that we were unable to get to due to bus schedules or routes. We will also be offering transportation to and from the center for members to cut down on pick up and drop off clusters we have run into as the year has progressed. We are also looking at fundraising opportunities to receive donations to support member outings and materials.
